Towing Information
Safety & reliable towing of your enclosed car trailer is of paramount importance at Eco-Trailer
We believe that above all other features the safe towing of your enclosed car trailer is of the utmost importance.
Therefore we will be updating this section of our website in the near future to keep our customers up to date with the latest regulations and recommendations from industry experts to ensure hassle free, safe and legal towing.
We recommend the ‘National Trailer & Towing Association’ website as a useful source of information regarding the legal requirements of your vehicle. Please follow the link below to their website.
ALL Eco-Trailer enclosed car trailers are supplied with a Certificate of Conformity, we have European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA).
You should not purchase a new trailer without a COC as it is now illegal in Europe. From the 29th July 2012 every new trailer manufactured must be TYPE APPROVED for it to be legally used on the public highway.